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The effects of drugs as a whole is a very broad topic. The general side effects and consequences include Addiction, Loss of Brain Cells, Dependence, Inability to focus and concentrate, and Paranoia. But thats in general, you can narrow that down to see what exact drugs do

Cannabis/Marijuana: Marijuana is a widely used drug in youth. When used before the brain is fully developed. Cannabis kills brain cells as the brain isnt intended to be put into that state while developing. Cannabis could also cause paranoia and anxiety. But Cannabis isnt all bad, It is used as a medicine for PTSD as well as when in Chemo for cancer.

Opioids: Opioids, Although not used as much as Cannabis, is still commonly used in youth. Side effects could include Nausea, Drowsiness, Insomnia, and Anxiety.

Tobacco: Tobacco isn't as commonly used in youth. but it still is used. Tobacco raises risk of heart issues and strokes. It is easily addicting. Tobacco is also proven to give lung or oral cancer with extended use.

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